neljapäev, 16. veebruar 2017

Läheb huvitavaks/It is getting interesting

Selles mõttes, et kas lõnga jätkub. Aiman, et mitte, aga puudu jääb üsna vähe.
I mean, wheather there is enough yarn. I suppose that there is not but only a little bit is needed.
Üks varrukas on valmis, teisest on kootud umbes kolmandik. Alla oleks vaja kududa veel 5-7 cm.
One sleeve is finished and I have approximately one third of the other. I have to knit the torso for some 5-7 cm more.
Varrukas lõpeb soonikuga, see on pigem dekoratiivne. Kaeluses on samasugune soonik.
The sleeve ends with ribbing, which is more decorative rather than anything else. Neck opening has the same ribbing.
Niipalju lõnga on järel. Et saaks kerade suurust hinnata, panin kõrvale tikutopsi.
This is how much yarn is left. In order to estimate the size of the balls, I put the matchbox.
Kõige huvitavam on aga, et Ropkamõisa lõngapoes pole praegu seda värvi. Nii et tuleb nagunii oodata. Aga pole midagi, kavatsen jakki edasi kududa, nüüd sai selga proovitud ja lugu on selge.
The most interesting part is that Ropkamõisa store has run out of this colour. So I have to wait anyway. But that is not a problem, meanwhile I am returning to the cardi: after trying on it is all clear.

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