neljapäev, 28. aprill 2016

Vilniuses/In Vilnius

Lühike Vilniuse reis. Nagu ikka, käisin Diteksases. Seal on alati üht-teist huvitavat, aga põhiliselt on see mohääriparadiis. Kogu riiul on mohääri täis.
A short trip to Vilnius. As always, I visited Diteksas. There is always something interesting but mostly it is a mohair paradise. The entire shelf is full of mohair.
Aga mida valida?
But what should I choose?
Tegelikult on mul üsna konkreetne plaan. Seda sviitrit pole jõudnud eraldi pildistada, aga see figureerib mitmes fotos n-ö taustana. Nt siin.
Actually, I have a rather clear plan. I have not got this sweater photographed as a separate knit but it appears in other photos as a background, so to say. For instance, here.
Sviiter sai valmis meie TFW kollektsiooni esitluse puhul. Enne esitlust polnud aega tegelda muude asjadega. Siiski enne esitlust tegi Sinencia Kass paar klõpsu. On meeleolu, aga kudumi detaile pole näha.
I made this sweater for our Tallinn Fashion Week show. Before the show we had no time to do other tings. Still, right before the show Sinencia Kass did a couple of shots. The mood is rendered but there are no details of the knit.
Lõngaks on tumehall mohäär ja must peenvillane (hangitud suvel Diteksase poest mõttega teha kudum TFW-ks). On ehk näha, et varrukatel on väike soonik, see on hoopis puuvillasest. Väga lihtne pisut vaba kudum. Kannan kogu aeg. Mõtlesin, et teeks midagi taolist veel, aga oleks siis hall. Nii et selleks saingi endale lõnga.
The yarns are dark gray mohair and black laceweight wool (purchased this summer at Diteksas in order to knit a sweater for TFW). Probably you can see that the sleeves have some ribbing in the bottom; the ribbing is from cotton. A very simple knit with some positive ease. I am wearing it all the time. I am thinking to do again something in this spirit but in gray. This is what I got the yarn for.

2 kommentaari:

oldnanny ütles ...

I like sweaters like this one soooo much! No idea how it happened that I haven't got any in my stuff. Great inspiration :-) BTW, the last picture is a masterpiece!

Anna ütles ...

Thank you very much! I will write here and on my FB page once I will start making one:). I will write to the photograph, she will be pleased!