kolmapäev, 16. juuli 2014

Kumb on parem pool?/Which side is the right side?

Teadagi, et tavaliselt peetakse labast parempidist kude vaikimisi paremaks pooleks. Aga labane pahempidine pole sugugi halvem. N-ö ruumi täiteks (nt mustrikordade vahel, suure põhimustri ja nööbiliistu vahel vms) sobib labane pahempidine tihtilugu vaata et paremini, kuna annab märku, et asi on läbi mõeldud (kunagi Ave tegi selle märkuse, aitäh talle veel kord).
It is well known that stockinette is considered by default as the right side of the fabric. But reverse stockinette is not worse. For filling up space, so to say (for instance, between pattern repeats, between a large main pattern and button band etc) it is often even more suitable than stockinette because it shows that this is a deliberate choice and not just something accidental (once Ave made this remark, thank you once more).

Seda linast lõnga kududes tundub mulle, et labane pahempidine on huvitavam. Nii et ilmselt jääbki see kudumi paremaks pooleks.
While working with this linen yarn, I came to think that reverse stockinette is more sophisticated. So it will probably become the right side of the garment.

Alates 18.juulist kuni 16.augustini olen järjekordselt Vilniuses. Kindlasti jagan sealseid kudumisuudiseid.
I will be in Vilnius on my usual trip between  the 18th of July and the 16th of August. I will certainly share the local knitting news.

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