neljapäev, 19. september 2013

Mitmeid mõtteid/Various thoughts

Mulle meeldib kanda lihtsaid asju (ka kudumeid), lisades markantseid ehteid jm dramaatilisi detaile. Oma stiili iseloomustaks väljendiga "dramaatiline minimalism". Kuidas aga teha nii, et lihtsaid kudumeid oleks ühtlasi huvitav kududa? Mõnikord ripskude või labane parem-/pahempidine on hea lahendus (lõnga olemuse tõttu), aga kogu aeg ei tahaks niimoodi kududa. Mõtlesin, et võiks proovida palmikuid, nad on piisavalt jõulised. Püüan oma mõtteid veel täpsemalt sõnastada. Muuseas leidsin niisuguse kena lehekülje, kus on palju mustreid, k.a. palmikud. Vaadake ka!
I like to wear simple garments (including knitwear) with an addition of noticable pieces of jewelry and other dramatics details. I would describe my style as "dramatic minimalism". But how can one make knitting of simple knitwear interesting at the same time? Sometimes garter stitch or (reversed) stockinette is a fine solution (because of the nature of a particular yarn) but I don't want to knit in this way all the time. I think I could try cables, they are quite powerful (again this Estonian word "jõuline" that is so difficult to translate!). I will try to formulate my thoughts in a more precise manner. By the way, I came across this lovely site with a lot of stitch patterns, including cables. Please have a look!

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